Talent-oriented organisations

Research theme

Today, organisations are facing many challenges, think of the ageing population, changing needs in skills, and the increase in absenteeism of employees. A sustainable talent policy and a talent-oriented culture give organisations an opportunity to deal with these challenges. In this programme, we research in what way organisations can be supported and strengthened in their talent-oriented approach, culture, and policy. In this way, we form stimulating work environments in which all employees can develop their talents and organisations can continue their sustainable growth.

Ruimte geven tot groei

Strengthening talent in organisations

What are we researching and for whom?

We want to balance the productivity of organisations with sustainable and motivating careers. To this end, we are researching how we can support and strengthen organisations in their talent development. Today, organisations are facing many challenges, think of the ageing population, changing needs in skills, and the increasing absenteeism of employees. A sustainable talent policy and a talent-oriented culture give organisations an opportunity to deal with these challenges. To strengthen talent-oriented organisations, we collaborate with teams and staff members for developing methodologies and to check what methodologies work. So we can optimise those further and implement them.  

Desired outcome

The methodologies start from scientific knowledge and are focussed on talent development, so that we together can form stimulating work environments in which employees can develop their talents, and organisations can continue to grow sustainably.​

Research lines

We support organisations to help them deal with some structural challenges on the labour market. We do this by enhancing their talent policy and culture in 3 different areas: learning & development, diversity & inclusion, feasible and manageable work & dignified work.

Lifelong talent: work and grow

In team samenwerken

​In the research line ’Lifelong talent’, we work on an organization culture and policy that are focussed on learning and on the career-long growth of skills and talents. 

Everyone's talent counts: inclusive work​

Verschillende kleuren potloden

We search for manners to create work environments in which all talent of the organisation is respected, valued and supported in their work and their growth. Regardless of background, convictions, experiences or identity.  

Taking care of talent: dignified work​

Waardig werken met respect voor elke medewerker

How can we organise work (including work culture and environment) in a meaningful and dignified manner, taking into account the needs of employees and organisations? With this research, we work on retention of talent in organisations.  

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