Healthy exercise

Research theme

Regular exercise improves and protects our physical and mental health. It contributes to a higher quality of life and ensures that every individual can better participate in society. Within this research programme, we focus on more physical exercise in healthcare, at the workplace, and at school. By listing needs and thresholds concerning exercising in consultation with the end user, and by developing purposive sustainable actions, we want to have an impact on the health and quality of life of everyone who has insufficient physical exercise. 

Gezonde geest in een gezond lichaam die springt van vreugde

Exercise means doing! Everyone, in every setting, is entitled to the advantages of sufficient physical exercise

What are we researching and for whom? 

Already in 2012, in the leading academic journal The Lancet, it was demonstrated that insufficient physical activity is the fourth cause of death worldwide. Even more people die from this than from the consequences of smoking. Since then, the public attention for the preventive nature of sufficient physical activity has only grown.

With the research programme Healthy Exercise, we focus on sufficient physical exercise in healthcare, at the workplace, and at school.

​Desired outcome 

In this research programme, we always involve the stakeholders and final users. In this way, we are sure that we can meet their needs and create a bigger impact. In practice, the programme leads to effective actions and interventions, the development of toolboxes, and educational packages and more.

Research lines

With our research programme, Healthy Exercise, we want to encourage lifelong learning for everyone in diverse contexts. We always start from an approach with demonstrated results.

Exercising with care

veilige bokswedstrijd

The research line Exercising with care wants to urge people with chronic conditions and older people to start a sustainable exercise routine. Additionally, we support the framework (caregivers, care and exercise professionals) to provide accessible customised exercise initiatives. 

Work on workout


With the research line Work on Workout, the focus lies on the health of the working population. We contribute to this by spreading knowledge, starting up interventions and supporting organisations in their health and welfare policy in the field of physical activity and sedentary behaviour. This may result in healthier employees, what then leads to less absenteeism, less staff turnover, sustainable employability, higher productivity, more job satisfaction, and a better company image. 

School in motion

actieve jeugdige kinderen

The research activities in the research line School In Motion wants to involve the school and all stakeholders to let children and youths exercise more and sit less at school, and in that way make them physically and mentally stronger. 

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