Active and healthy ageing

Research theme

We are living longer, and we like to have a healthy, active and valuable life. We are facing complex challenges in society, but especially in elderly care. With this research, we develop interventions that improve the quality of life of older people. The focus is on the support of caregivers in elderly care. By doing research with all stakeholders, we can find solutions for an innovative and sustainable elderly care.​​ 

actief en gezond ouder worden

​​Co-creative approach for innovative and participative elderly care

What are we researching and for whom?  

The ageing population creates major challenges within the elderly care. We set to work with the needs that arise from this. We involve the older care users, their relatives and the caregivers.  

From the perspective of all those parties, we search for innovative solutions for sustainable elderly care. And we want to improve the care, life quality, and wellbeing of older people. We consider the autonomy and participation of older people. 

Desired outcome 

We want to increase mainly the autonomy, participation, and involvement of older people by strengthening their own possibilities, in co-creation with them and their environment. In this way, we work on a flexible and proactive elderly care.

Research lines

The central thread within our research lines is that we start from the perspective of older people, their relatives, and caregivers. We have specific attention for autonomy and participation, innovative elderly care, and care for the end of life. 

Autonomy and participation​

Ouderen gaan autonoom aan de slag

A lack of guidelines and tools does not make it evident to the professional sector o give autonomy to vulnerable older people and to let them have a say. Within this line, we help caregivers as well as care organisations and vulnerable older people. We develop solutions and innovate further, together with the sector. 

Resolute innovative elderly care

Ouderen ontdekken VR

​​​​We set to work with the caregivers to support, strengthen and empower them. We develop tools to meet needs and trends in the sector. The focus lies on the processes that are in progress in the elderly care and how we can optimise those. 

Care at the end of life

In dialoog met een oudere

Caregivers are very important in the last stage of life of older people. With that in mind, we build on good practices by involving caregivers and older people. We hand custom guidelines to provide high-quality care at the end of life.

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