People, society and digitalisation

Research theme

In the healthcare sector, for quite some time now there is a demand for the development of online help methodologies and  support in the implementation. At the same time,  the digital speed train is obstructing the access to assistance for people who are socio-economically and culturally vulnerable. The programme starts from description, analysis, action and development research to construct diverse aspects of online and blended work in welfare work and healthcare. We support organisations in the implementation, and explore the challenges and opportunities of AI applications. We have attention for increasing the digital inclusion and the development of the competences of social professionals. In this way, we want to support and strengthen online and blended care.

Digitale hulp

Online and blended approach in welfare work and mental healthcare  

What are we researching and for whom? 

Digitalisation in welfare work and mental healthcare has experienced a huge boost in recent years. In the sector, this generated possibilities, yet also concrete questions, resistance, and needs. Do you, as a welfare organisation or social professional need advice, methodologies for the sustainable implementation of a blended approach, and process guidance and competence promotion on online and blended work? Do you as well find it a challenge to support the most vulnerable people in the digitising society? Our research, development and service offer on online and blended work and the promotion of e-inclusion in welfare work and mental healthcare wants to support the sector in this. 

Desired outcome 

With our research programme, we want to support online and blended work in healthcare and welfare in the professional sector and promote e-inclusion of the most vulnerable people. An important focus in this is competence promotion of the social professional. We want to strengthen you and your welfare organisation: 

  • in the critical-constructive determination of a clear view on blended help and care 

  • to sustainably realise a blended offer 

  • in involving the most vulnerable citizens in the blended offer 

  • to enhance the competences of the social professionals 

Research lines

Blended approach of welfare and mental health

Blended aan de slag met welzijn en geestelijke gezondheid

​​​In this line, we support and guide organisations to implement online and blended assistance. ​Additionally, we explore the possibilities, risks, needs, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for social work and test those against the professional sector.

E-inclusion and media literacy

Mediawijsheid bij ouderen

​​This research line promotes the e-inclusion of both the social professionals as the target group in welfare work and healthcare, with extra attention for people in a vulnerable position.

Digital competences of the social professional​

Digitale competenties van een sociale professional

​​​​The challenges for social professionals are diverse. The call for both global and more refined and advanced competences is on the rise. After all, the welfare and healthcare questions are becoming more complex in our superdiverse society. We also focus on ‘digital competences’ by developing a framework that helps professionals in the socio-agogic field to work digitally and blended. 

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